What are we doing
We operate a network of cafes, bistros and catering Mezi řádky.
We have our own artisan bakery and bakery U Dvou rohlíků
and a small coffee roastery in Šumava.
On the farm in Ledce we grow fruit, vegetables, herbs and raise animals.
We also make dog biscuits. We have our own laundry and our cleaning teams clean public areas and greenery.
We will soon open a guesthouse and bistro Mezi lesy in Šumava.

handicap is not an obstacle
People work in all our operations
with a handicap. In the beginning, we were inspired by the idea "it is normal to be different". We decided to give people with disabilities the opportunity to develop their talents so that they can live an independent and meaningful life. Today, almost 200 of them work for us. 15 years of our work have convinced us that a handicap is not an obstacle. Every time you visit and by purchasing our products you confirm this to us.
Thank you for helping us!
Substitute performance
All our businesses apply
toprinciples of social business.
As an employer of disabled people, we can therefore provide you with services and products in a form of replacement performance.
By purchasing them, you will get
significant tax breaks.

Do you want to know more about us?
Listen to an interview with Etincelle director Jakub Knězů, who was a guest of Vladimír Kroc on Czech Radio 1 - Radiožurnál.
Watch the report on Etincelle and social entrepreneurship broadcast as part of the showRegions ČT24.

principles of social entrepreneurship
In the Czech Republic, organizations that meet the five characteristics/principles of social enterprises can be called social enterprises.
1. A social enterprise fulfills a socially beneficial goal
We claim to fulfill this sign in the field of employment and social inclusion of persons disadvantaged on the labor market. The basis for us is the employment of more than 30% of people disadvantaged on the labor market from the total number of our employees.
2. A social enterprise fulfills a social benefit
We focus on supporting and developing the work skills of people with disabilities. We currently employ almost more than 150 people with disabilities. We involve employees in the running and direction of the company. At regular meetings, individual operations, status and direction of companies are discussed.
3. A social enterprise also has an economic benefit
He invests the profit from business activity back into the companies (51% of any profit will be reinvested). We buy new technologies or train employees.
4. A social enterprise also shows an environmental benefit
We achieve environmental benefits by consistently recycling waste, using recycled materials, composting residues and using cars with an alternative drive.
5. The social enterprise also actively strives for local benefit
Social enterprises are focused primarily on meeting local demand. Our customers are primarily entities from adjacent regions. Our employees work and live
in one region.
replacement performance
Substitute performance is one of the three ways to comply with the statutory employment of persons with disabilities in the mandatory proportion of 4% of the total number of employees. The legal regulation applies to all companies and employers with more than 25 employees, including institutions that are an organizational component of the state. Specifically, § 81 of the amended Employment Act No. 435/2004 Coll.
Simply put, every 25th employee must be a person with a disability. If the company does not meet this criterion, it has the following two options:
- purchase of products and services from one of the employers with more than half the number of employees with disabilities (today already several hundred small, larger and large companies in many fields of activity)
- unpopular "disability tax" (deduction of 2.5 times the average wage per person) for those who fail to fully cover the obligation in the previous ways, i.e. direct employment or purchase of goods or services